Learning objectives
- recognise the need for communication systems within living organisms
- describe the generation of an action potential
- explain the transmission of an action potential along a myelinated neurone.
- explain the importance of myelin sheath and the refractory period in determining speed of impulse transmission
- describe the structure and function of a cholinergic synapse.
- explain the effects of analgesic drugs on the nervous system
The need for communication within living organisms #
- cellular activity is dependent on enzymes
- the activity of organs is dependent on the activity of enzymes
- enzymes work best in certain conditions and its important that they work effiviently
- it is also important that the body is free from toxins
- in multicellular organisms the part that detects that there is too much “x” may be well away from the cells that release substance “x” into the body
- one cell needs to communicate with another either by neuronal system or hormonal system
Action potentials | Transmission of action potentials