Effects of tar in tobacco smoke on the gaseous exchange system #
- stimulates extra cell division +thickening of the epithelium;
- which may develop into a tumour;
- tar coats the epithelium lining of the breathing tubes;
- causing irritation of the epithelial cell;
- epithelia replaced by scar tissue;
- production of excess mucus by the goblet cells;
- paralysis of cilia;
- build up of pathogens + mucous;
- smoker‘s cough/emphysema;
- reduced surface area for gaseous exchange;
Effects of tar and carcinogens in tobacco smoke on the gaseous exchange system #
- paralyses/destroys cilia;
- stimulates over secretion of mucus by goblet cells;
- growth of scar tissue;
- leads to development of bronchitis/emphysema;
- epithelial lining coated with tar;
- carcinogens;
- combine with DNA/chromosomes of cells in the bronchial epithelium/lining;
- leading to tumour growth/growth in the epithelium/lining;
- bronchial carcinoma;
- malignancy;
- metastasis/secondary tumours;
The effects of nicotine and carbon monoxide on the cardiovascular system #
- causes constriction of arterioles;
- stimulates release of adrenaline;
- increase heart rate/blood pressure;
- reduced peripheral blood flow;
- less blood flows to the skin/hands/feet (blood supply to extremities reduced);
- increased stickiness of blood platelets;
- increases cholesterol levels;
- which may lead to atherosclerosis;
- due to formation of atheromas
- increases likelihood of thrombosis;
Carbon monoxide
- combines with haemoglobin;
- to form a stable compound;
- haemoglobin has a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than oxygen;
- decreases oxygenation of blood/lead to shortage of oxygen;
- increases strain on the cardiovascular system to supply oxygen to all tissues;
- blood vessels more vulnerable to the development of atherosclerosis; – may lead to CHD/stroke;
Describe how atherosclerosis develops.
- onset may be caused by damage to lining of artery;
- smooth muscle cells proliferate at site of damage;
- phagocytes invade breaks and release growth factors and stimulate the growth of smooth muscle cells/accumulation of cholesterol/slow down passage of LDLs back into the blood which therefore deposit more cholesterol)
- usually large arteries;
- deposit is called atheromas;
- (uneven) patches develop called plaques/atheromatous plaques;
- causes walls of artery to thicken/lumen narrow;
Explain how atherosclerosis may lead to death
- plaques roughen the lining of artery;
- may lead to slow development of a blood clot/thrombus over the plaque;
- causes cessation or restriction of blood flow to affected area;
- if in coronary artery can cause coronary thrombosis heart muscles starved of oxygen (myocardial infarction) and becomes damaged/dies/heart attack;
- if in brain can cause cerebral thrombosis/stroke; if clot breaks away can travel through blood vessels and jam at a narrower vessel (embolism);
- narrowing of arteries causes rise in blood pressure;
- may weaken wall of artery;
- wall may stretch/balloon out to form aneurysm, causing bursting of wall/hemorrhage; – cerebral hemorrhage causes strokes;
Link between atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
- atherosclerosis is the main cause of CHD;
- coronary arteries become narrower;
- therefore blood pressure increases;
- can damage walls of arteries/cause aneurysm, causing wall to burst;
- atheromas roughen lining of arteries causing blood clots/thromboses;
- clot can block coronary artery;
- clot may break away and lodge where artery narrows/embolism; – heart muscle is deprived of oxygen and diets;
Evaluate the epidemiology and experimental evidence linking smoking to lung cancer and early death #
- more smokers died of cancer;
- number of woman developing cancer increased with number of women smoking
- number of cigarettes smoked per day increased per day linked with death rate;
- carcinogen identified in tar;
- dogs exposed to cigarette smoke developed tumours; rate of tumour development reduced when filter tipped brands used;
Discuss the epidemiological and experimental evidence which links smoking with disease.
- more new diseases in smokers;
- compared to non-smokers
- the higher the number of smokers the higher the number of sufferers
- experimental animals exposed to smoke developed diseases;
- compared to those not exposed to smoke;
- animals exposed to smoke have higher chances of developing disease – filtered vs. unfiltered
Why sporting performance is lowered by smoking
- carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin;
- to from carboxyhaemoglobin;
- up to 10% decrease in oxygen transport by blood/slight anemia;
- reduces endurance activities;
- nicotine stimulates sympathetic nervous system;
- release adrenaline/epinephrine;
- increase in heart rate;
- raised blood pressure;
- reduced appetite;
- dust not removed from lungs;
- reduced lung efficiency;
How cigarette smoking can lead to coronary heart disease #
- main cause of CHD is atherosclerosis;
- carbon monoxide/nicotine in smoke responsible;
- cholesterol deposited in inner layers/linings of artery walls form plaques which lead to restriction of blood flow/clotting which can block vessels; smoking increases blood cholesterol/fat level;
- nicotine causes constriction of coronary arteries/arterioles;
- rise in blood pressure makes damage to walls more likely;
- increases number of platelets stimulating formation of blood clots;
- nicotine makes platelets more sticky;
- smoking causes rise in ratio of VLDLs/LDLs, to HDLs in blood so more atherosclerosis/cholesterol deposited;
- decrease concentration of antioxidants/Vitamin C/vitamin E, so increasing damage to artery walls by free radicals;
The difficulty in achieving a balance between prevention and cure of coronary heart diseases.
- due to life style;
- such as smoking/diet/lack of exercise most causes can be avoided;
- government could take steps to encourage change of life;
- a few patients are victims of their own genetic;
- cure is expensive;
- g. heart transplants/coronary by-pass/drug treatment;
- ethical problems of who to treat, suitable example;
- since donors are few;
- problems associated with tissue rejection;
- should patient change their life style before treatment is made available
Arguments for diverting funds from the treatment of coronary heart disease to its prevention
- cure is expensive;
- g. heart transplant, coronary by-pass, drug treatment;
- difficult to find enough donor hearts;
- ethical problems of who to treat e.g. father with young family; many of the risks are avoidable; associated with life style – change will make people less susceptible;
Discuss the factors that should be taken into account when deciding how to share limited resources between prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease
- treatment is expensive due to technology and professional expertise of surgeons;
- after – care also expensive (immunosuppressant drugs, e.t.c.);
- NHS working on tight/limited budget;
- preventive measures cheaper;
- not so dependent on expensive equipment/manpower;
- very expensive to advertise/train/employ health educators;
- difficulty in disseminating information;
- prevention saves a lot of suffering for potential victims;
- and families;
- g. may cause financial difficulties if wage earner affected/fatherless family/e.t.c;
- in terms of years of healthy life gained preventive measures may be better;
- great demand for treatment because heart disease so common;
- moral dimension – if a treatment is available should we not make resources available to use it; – more lives can be saved by preventative measures;
Global distribution of CHD #
- mainly confined to developed/affluent countries;
- due to lifestyle + sedentary work;
- fatty diets;
- high saturated fats;
- cigarette smoking;
- alcohol intake;
- obesity; high blood pressure; lack of exercise; fast foods;
Reasons why coronary heart disease is so common in developed countries.
- caused by many factors most of which are common in developed countries;
- smoking s common risk factor;
- carbon monoxide and nicotine are the components responsible;
- carbon monoxide reduces oxygen carrying capacity;
- increasing strain on the cardiovascular system;
- nicotine increases stickiness of platelets, raising risk of clotting;
- diets tend to be rich in saturated fats;
- increased blood cholesterol and hence atherosclerosis;
- cause rise in ratio of LDLs to HHDLs;
- hypertension/high blood pressure common which puts arteries under strain; – lack of exercise is a risk factor and life style/ occupations often sedentary
Common categories of diseases which could be applied to coronary heart disease.
- physical;
- non-infectious;
- self – inflicted;
- degenerative;
- social;
- links with diet/lifestyle of developed countries;
- inherited;